
Sunday, November 24, 2013

Having Second Thoughts..?

     Life is all about choices some can be good while other's not so good. We make these choices everyday of our life by deciding on whether or not we want to spend $80 on a new game or keep the $80 for gas to get to work the next day. Take one choice you've made and really look at it. You could have made the right or wrong decision. In my life I've made some right and wrong decisions. I'll give you an example of something I've done right and wrong.


- Graduating High School: Yes I did have my mother and father constantly on my back to make sure I stayed on top of everything that I needed to accomplish, and I love them for not giving up on me even when I thought I would have.


- Over the summer, moving out of my parent's house before they came back.  Now some of you can view this as wrong, but in a way in my mind I think this could be considered right and wrong. It all depends on how you look at it.

I'm still having second thoughts on some of the decisions I've made in my life, but that's something that I have to deal with. Basically, my decisions I chose because either that made sense to me or because it was the most logical thing to do. Either way, at the end of the day those decisions will either affect me positively or negatively just like they will for you.

Decision making is probably one of the most hardest things to do, and I think a lot of people will agree with me. My advice, just don't let it get to you so much to where you start to second guess everything you do. It won't end up well.

Have a great day song birds, and stay strong!


p.s - Here's a picture that I find to be true

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