
Wednesday, November 20, 2013

A Piece From A Special Someone

The Song Bird in My Life

I've been blessed to have a songbird in my life.  She came to me when I was just 23 years old.  She was exactly what I needed even though it took a long time to realize just how much I needed her song in my life.  The song she sings has brought both joy and pain into my world and I love her more every day for the song that she sings.

I am late to the social media phenomenon.  I am a child of the early 70's and so my priorities are different than this generation.  My children, the Songbird and her brother, have been using Facebook and Twitter for quite some time.  I recently joined Twitter as a way of communicating with them as there is instant access and daily communication because there is distance between us now.  They tell me #thestruggleisreal.  I believe it.

The Songbird and I have struggled this year.   We had a death in the family and while I was attending to that a predator, a dark force with ill intentions, swooped into our nest and stole my songbird away from me.  The Songbird, who had made me so proud at her graduation several weeks earlier was gone when I returned.  There was no trace of her in the nest her father and I had lovingly created.  I was devastated.  I loved the Songbird more than she knew or even knows to this day.

The Songbird was a happy one growing up.  She used to light up any room that she entered.  She giggled and laughed, spent afternoons on my lap reading books and developed a love of writing that I share.  She used to run down the hallway so that her Dad could toss her on the bed and she would laugh and laugh.  I miss those days.

My Songbird grew up so fast.  I was there with her every day of her life.  I had the privilege of contributing to her song.  Benefiting from her innocence and watching her mature into who she is today.  She asked me some time ago, before she graduated, if I would contribute to her blog.  I never found the time but this is my contribution now.

The Songbird is grown up now and on her own.  The song she sings someone else is able to hear every day now.  I get glimpses of the song every now and then when we Skype.  The Songbird struggles and my heart aches to help her from a distance.  The predator, the one who stole my Songbird, still has access to her.  More than I like because the predator knows that interfering the way she did hurts me.  I tried to keep my Songbird from the predator to no avail.  The Songbird was too trusting and for that we, both she and I, have paid a heavy price.  One of time and distance.

I want to tell my Songbird that she is one of the loves of my life.  It has been a joy to have her song in my life and a blessing to my heart.  It is beautiful to me and it gives peace to my heart to hear it.  I am crazy about her.  She is loved very much by me and her Dad.

I hope that as the years go by her song gets stronger and carries her to places she wants to go, doing the things that she wants to do that will make her happy.  I hope that she never forgets what a blessing she has been to someone who grew up in darkness and yearned to have a beautiful songbird come into her life.  It's amazing what the song of a songbird can do to change the heart of someone who had no hope and was blessed long before they realized it.  We should all have the song of a songbird in our lives.  The world would be a much better place if we did.

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