
Saturday, January 19, 2013

Thinking about...

Everyday we think, I know for me I do a lot. It's a good thing, but can also be a curse for me. I think about how my day is going to be, the things I need to accomplish, what my blog post is going to be that night, the one person I wish I could talk to for days on end and never stop, etc.  My brain goes into over drive and it won't stop. I find myself thinking about a multitude of things that can be good, or bad. Whatever the case may be, there are sometimes I wish I could turn that thinking button off and just relax for a day. I know maybe everyone has wanted that for just one whole day. All this thinking we do, is it really necessary? Well, yes some of it may be to you. Yet, some of it could be just a pre cursor to becoming depressed. A long time ago, I was depressed, simply because I felt like I was alone, not popular, all the typical things a teen/ young adult may worry about when in high school. I found myself thinking about how I was going to be like this forever, non popular, ugly, etc. I will admit, it was probably one of a few things that I couldn't bear with. Yet, I pushed through and look at me now. Yes, there are still days where I just want to be depressed, listen to sad songs, and pout my eyes out. We all have those days, it's perfectly normal. My advice to you, don't let it take over your life. Talk to close friends, family, write a journal. It may seem like it's a difficult thing at first, but with practice it will be fixed and you can live a free, happy, positive thinking way of life. It's all up to you. I guess what i'm trying to say is.. Make a category for each thought you may be thinking, and find out which ones are more important. <3 I'll leave that to you.

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