
Sunday, March 17, 2013

The Power Of Time

     Time, endless amounts of time that never change in your life. Time is the one monumental thing in our life that never changes. You can spend your time doing plenty of things: sleeping, eating, thinking, dreaming, achieving, etc. " Spend your time wisely" is a common phrase heard by a bunch of people. Could be your mom, brother, coworker, anyone you know or don't know. Time is a precious thing we have though. Every minute of every hour of every day we spend doing things and getting farther and farther in life. ( Age wise )
     How do you spend your time? Positive things, or negative things?  For the longest time, I spent my days sitting back being depressed and really not myself because I let change get to me. I wasted that precious time not doing something that could benefit me. Time I can't get back, but I can make those necessary changes to not waste my time on things that I know I can't change. Now, I want you to think of one thing that you might waste your time on, it could be anything from playing an excess of video games ( which is not bad at times), to sleeping more than you should. What could you be doing to get one step further in your life?
     All the time you'll hear about people moaning and groaning about how they wish they could change their lives, but when they actually get to be alone they revert back to the same person they were. Why is that? I believe that being human you do things that are normal for you. An example for me, whenever i'm really bored I get on Facebook all the time. Instead, I could be taking a walk; writing a friend; looking for a job; or getting my life organized. Do I do that? No, because in my mind I do things that are normal for me. I'm not saying being normal is bad; it's rather good than being nothing. Which in some cases people believe that they're nothing. I was in that position for a long time, believing that I was a nobody. Till I met 2 friends that meant something to me, they weren't like normal friends, they made me feel wanted. They still do today. I'll be forever grateful to them. But see, I wasted time that I could have been doing things to make myself happy.
      My challenge to you is to not waste your time on something that won't help you out. Now I know we all make our decisions based on our heart and our mind. So you can do this if you want. I guess what i'm trying to say is that time on this earth is very precious. So make it all that you want. :)

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