Remember when you were little. Everyone would ask you what you wanted to be when you grew up. You would answer astronaut, police officer, or even princess. It wasn't till you were really able to comprehend what you were being asked til later on when you were in middle school and even high school. For many years, I could never answer the question. I didn't know what I wanted to do with my life. I mean, I had plenty of ideas. Like culinary chef, being in the Navy, Writer, Massage therapist, stay at home mom. Yeah, I wasn't really interested in my future, I wanted to be a kid for the rest of my life. To bad life didn't agree with me. Growing up, is probably the hardest thing for teens. Some teens have a plan and stick to it, kudos to you that had that plan. For some other teens, it wasn't like that. I'm not saying they lack the passion for the future. Maybe they didn't know what they wanted to do, or had issues in their life that clouded them.
I'm in the category of not really knowing. From the career choices I listed up above, I would flip flop from choice to choice. It wasn't til August of last year that I really came up with the decision to become a journalist. I sat down and really thinked it out. What is the one thing I love to do most? Write. I mean, that's why I started this blog. To show my true feelings about certain aspects in my life or in yours that we don't really like to touch base with daily.
I have the passion to become a journalist. It's fun to be able to sit down and express the words that you feel. Passion to become a person who can give the wisdom that I have learned and am still learning to this day and hopefully change someone's thoughts or give them insight. That's what makes me happy.
Passion is what you make it. You can have an abundance of passion, or the lack of passion. It's your life.. I'm not here to sit and judge you, because I am not perfect. I guess what I'm trying to say is.. Life is to short to not make the best of it.
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