
Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Things we are all afraid of...?

     Afraid of things in your life? Everyone is, something that happened in your past or even in the future. I'm saying being afraid can't be bad most of the time. We are afraid of most things in life, not because we're scaredy cats but because we don't do well with that topic or whatever it may be for you.
     I'm afraid... to grow up and be out on my own soon, yet i'm excited. Afraid because I won't be around to depend on my parents, but also excited because I want to experience what it's like to live on my own.

    Think of one thing that you are afraid of- Life, love, death, etc. Now think about why you are afraid? If your afraid of life, it might be because you don't know what to expect. See, that's the great thing about life. It's like what Forrest Gump said in his movie " Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you'll get" 
     Somethings I'm afraid of.. Growing up, Living on my own, Being alone for most of my life. Well those are just some of the things. I'm most afraid of how my life will turn out. We all have been at this point in our life where we worry about things. I seem to worry all the time about things that I can't fix.. the only thing that I need to remember about this, it's my decision on how my life runs. The thing to remember about being afraid:  Don't be afraid of life, or anything else. It'll all get better!

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