
Friday, January 18, 2013

New Experiences

     Last Night, I posted about growing pains and during that 30 minutes all I could think about is what my plans are. I've thought about ever since I started high school. I've procrastinate, put it off a year and tell myself that I would think about it later.  Now that i'm a senior in my last semester of my high school career. Where'd the time go?
     At first, I couldn't believe it. Me, a senior? It feels like just yesterday I was the tiny, insecure freshman. Now, i'm the senior who is scared for the world to come smack me in the face. I should have planned it out way before the last semester of my senior year. 
    I have plenty of dreams I want to do in my life. It's more like a teenage bucket list. That sounds weird right? Teenage bucket list.. It's like when you grow up and have to become an adult. It's said that you lose your teenage spirit, that's kind of true. 
    Becoming an adult, is a new experience. At least, in my few months of becoming eighteen. I've learned a few things, yes they may have been hard, but I've overcome them and know that I need to succeed to have a better life. 
   My first step to success - Plan your life out. Sit down for a couple minutes and really think about how you want to live your life. Plan out your goals, ambitions, etc. 
   My step two is make them realistic, make sure they are goals you can actually accomplish. For example ~ one of my goals is to graduate high school, which obviously I will accomplish this semester. 
  I really want my life to be successful and fun. I know my life will have it's ups and downs, i'd rather have more ups than downs. To make that my goal in life, I need to plan my life for what I want. 

Below, I've listed my plan: 

           1. Graduate High School
                 2. Move out of my parent's house
                      3.  Go to college ( yet of which is decided)
                              - Major in Journalism
                              - Minor in Broadcast Journalism
                             4. Try to create my own business
                                   4. Find my soulmate, live a long happy life ( Kinda like fairy tales) 

These are just a few of many dreams I have. How I plan my life right now, will determine the outcome of my success story. 

            So Dream Big And It Will Come True 

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