What I mean by that is, we're so busy trying to be everyone's favorite person. Maybe we should let that go from time to time. You aren't perfect, neither am I, we're human. Everyday we learn something new about ourselves, it could be great or it could be bad. Whatever the case may be, we take that in our lives and try to channel that in something everyday. In my case, I learned a couple things about myself, I'm a people pleaser. I really like to see other's happy because if I see that they are happy, then I should be happy because I'm the one that put them in that state of mind. When in all reality, I've learned that i'm miserable inside. I'm not happy with myself. Maybe some of us have this feeling right now, or have had that feeling. It is something that I need to change myself and with the support of my family and friends, I can. I don't want to be miserable anymore, it's the worst feeling in the world. I could never say that to myself til now. Last Night, sitting in front of a mirror, and not even wanting to look at myself, really showed me something. How am I happy with who I've become, if I can't even look at myself in the mirror?
I know who I want to be, I've imagined it all day of who I would like to be like, and look like. Myself! There are so many things I want to change about myself, hoping that after all the hard work, I'll actually be happy with myself. Yes, the process will be long, and hard at times, i'll want to give up, but in the end, seeing myself a different way, might give me the strength to become more than what I am right now. So maybe, changing the aspects you see in yourself, might help you become a better person than what you are right now. So take it one step at a time, and keep telling yourself that this is all worth it. Because to be honest it really is. Your happiness is all that matters. It'll be with you for the rest of your life, so cherish it and take care of it. I'll leave that to you.
"Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions."
Dalai Lama
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