When moving out on your own, it won't be as easy as it looks in the movies. It takes careful planning, and making sure you are set for any obstacle that comes in the way. I'm learning this lesson right now, it's stressful and time consuming but every young adult I think will go through this.
Imagine this- You just got your first job and your happy! Telling yourself that you will not spend one penny of you paycheck when you get it. Really? I believe that everyone has told themselves that line. Yes there are those that actually keep to their word, and then there are some that as soon as you get that paycheck it's gone within the hour. How would you rate yourself on that?
For me, when I first got my paycheck at Safeway I told myself I wasn't going to spend it. At the time, I was still living with my parents. I didn't really have to worry about any "bills" and buying food. I only had to worry about my phone and car insurance, not to mention gas for the car. I thought if I could, I'd save enough money and get everything I always wanted.
Yet, when I got that first paycheck, immediately I blew through it. Hanging out with friends, I bought stuff we could all enjoy. And let me just say... if you get a paycheck, the first place to go is your bank not the mall. I learned that lesson quick.
I was in a crunch, I lied at my grans. Wanted to move out and live on my own, or with my boyfriend? I chose to move in with my boyfriend and it wasn't a bad decision. We both are learning the responsibilities of being out on our own.
Now that I have a place of my own, I'm starting to realize some of the most important things. For one, the rent is something that is probably the most important things. You need a roof over your head right? Second, the responsibility of making sure that those bills you need to pay are paid off in time. And when you move out, you have maybe 4 to 5 bills to pay on top of the rent. But it isn't as bad as what it sounds, it's all about making sure you are doing the right thing to succeed in life. Going to work and earning the money for the bills and the food and gas for the cars. It's a lot to take in huh?
I woke up this morning, and when my wonderful boyfriend went to work I realized that this is something I had on my mind a lot. He's working 2 jobs right now to put food on the table and pay the bills. I'm working one job to pay some of the bills and all the extras that he can't get. We are both working class young adults just fresh out of high school, I don't think either one of us thought we'd be where we are today. We come home from work, hurting, stressed out, and worrying about bills and such.
But in the end we still have each other. We are going to make it through all the hardships, and come out on top.
So here's the tip: Before you move out, make sure you do your research and are positive that this is what you want. If you already have, congrats to you!
See you tomorrow song birds,
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