
Saturday, June 22, 2013

Confusing Society

This goes out to a friend of mine, Dustin who helped me come up with today's piece(:

Confusing in this world today, no matter what the topic may be:
Religion, etc.

We all have our own views on these sensitive, yet most talked about subjects. Now, I'm going to talk about a couple and get my own views on them. If you don't want to read what I have to say or am offended by what I write, I'm very sorry.

First one: Women

Now, being that I am a woman, it isn't hard for me to point out some of the things I notice about myself. The women side of this is that in all reality women want to be happy. Am I wrong? We just want a sweet guy that won't judge us or hate us. Yet again, there is that society outlook on women as unstable or not knowledgeable.  Women have been able to prove wrong all the norms that were in the past. But one I think is still there is the fact that some women aren't like all the norms that were set out for us.

Second one:  Love

This is one that I always seem to write about. Love, a sensitive subject for people. It could be of family, friends, relationships, etc. Love is a word that I think is used to much. You actually have to really love that person. I think sometimes women use "love" to hang on to the person they want. I've done it before, it all ended up in the trash in the end, metaphorically speaking. Love is something that you really have to mean. Don't just say it because you can, say it because you mean it.

Last, but not least: Hate

In this society, it seems like hate is all around us. On the T.V, in the news, wherever you live there is some hate there. How can we fix this? Maybe we could all get along??? Yet, I know that it will never happen because everyone has different opinions about certain topics. I think that if we all try to fix one aspect in our lives then maybe that will help. But it's only my wish.

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