
Sunday, January 27, 2013

One Day...

One Day.. I want to be successful. Pretty vague huh? Well let me tell you all about it. Right now, I'm reading this book by Sean Covey titled "The 6 most important decisions you'll ever make." In one of the sections it talks about finding the right path. It had a little activity we could participate in. It's called The Ten Year Experiment:

Think that..

                            This is 10 years ago

1.) The Date Ten Years ago Today is:
2.) My name is:
3.) I am _______ years old
4.) I live in..
5.) I live with:
6.) My favorite things to do are:
7.) I feel...

Take some time to fill that out in your mind, or tell someone you want.

Here's an example:

" Hi, your name is Stephanie, and your 8 year old. I live in Colorado, USA, with my parents and my younger brother, who is 5. I love to read Junie B Jones books with my mom, write in my journal, and annoy my brother. I feel somewhat happy inside."

Now Fast Forward 10 years.. For example I'm 18. So for this activity I would look at being 28.

1.) The Date ten years from now is:
2.) My name is:
3.) I am ______ years old
4.) I live in:
5.) I live with..
6.) Over the past 10 years I have:
7.) I feel:

And again, Fill out this on a scratch sheet of paper, or you can verbally tell someone..

For example:

" Hi, I'm Stephanie. I'm 28 years old and I live in Colorado. I recently majored in Journalism and now I work for a newspaper company writing a miny column and I love my job. I live with my husband and my one child. Right now, I'm feeling really good about where my life has been going.."

After you've done this activity, it really makes you think about how you want your path in life to head. It's all about your "free agency." Basically, you really have the choice to decide what you want your life to become and what you don't like.  There's a famous quote by Robert Frost " Two roads diverged in a wood, and I - I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.." 

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