
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Stupid Mistakes

Looking at my life, I've done a lot of rather dumb ideas. Some have changed the way I think of myself, some have been really bad that I never want to remember them again. Yet, that's life right? We learn from our mistakes. Like me, you might make multiple mistakes but it still will take time for you to learn. That's what I'm going through right now. Yes, it will be rough, and heart aching and I'll probably want to give up, but I know in my heart and soul that if I work on fixing my mistakes.. In the end, I'll be happy. So that's my goal for you reading this right now. If you've ever made a mistake, and you haven't been able to fix it. Now's the time to change that, I mean it's a new year, why not start off with a new you? <3

** Update: There will not be any posts for the rest of the weekdays as I am very busy with homework and also i'm sick. Expect a long post on Saturday of a possible story :) Have a great rest of your week! <3

Monday, January 28, 2013

Having Determination..

Everyday we fight for a goal that we want to accomplish that day. Getting up and going to school, doing homework, exercising, etc. Whatever you may have to do, you know that you will have to accomplish it. For long term goals, it takes everyday to get one step closer to that goal. Determination is a key for success. If at first you don't feel like you can do it. I would suggest sitting down, and really consider where you want to see yourself in the next 10 years. If you need help, below is a Ten Year Experiment that would help you.

Basically to sum this up Jesse Owens had this to say about determination : "We all have dreams. But in order to make dreams come into reality, it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self-discipline, and effort."

Sunday, January 27, 2013

One Day...

One Day.. I want to be successful. Pretty vague huh? Well let me tell you all about it. Right now, I'm reading this book by Sean Covey titled "The 6 most important decisions you'll ever make." In one of the sections it talks about finding the right path. It had a little activity we could participate in. It's called The Ten Year Experiment:

Think that..

                            This is 10 years ago

1.) The Date Ten Years ago Today is:
2.) My name is:
3.) I am _______ years old
4.) I live in..
5.) I live with:
6.) My favorite things to do are:
7.) I feel...

Take some time to fill that out in your mind, or tell someone you want.

Here's an example:

" Hi, your name is Stephanie, and your 8 year old. I live in Colorado, USA, with my parents and my younger brother, who is 5. I love to read Junie B Jones books with my mom, write in my journal, and annoy my brother. I feel somewhat happy inside."

Now Fast Forward 10 years.. For example I'm 18. So for this activity I would look at being 28.

1.) The Date ten years from now is:
2.) My name is:
3.) I am ______ years old
4.) I live in:
5.) I live with..
6.) Over the past 10 years I have:
7.) I feel:

And again, Fill out this on a scratch sheet of paper, or you can verbally tell someone..

For example:

" Hi, I'm Stephanie. I'm 28 years old and I live in Colorado. I recently majored in Journalism and now I work for a newspaper company writing a miny column and I love my job. I live with my husband and my one child. Right now, I'm feeling really good about where my life has been going.."

After you've done this activity, it really makes you think about how you want your path in life to head. It's all about your "free agency." Basically, you really have the choice to decide what you want your life to become and what you don't like.  There's a famous quote by Robert Frost " Two roads diverged in a wood, and I - I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.." 

Saturday, January 26, 2013

What makes you happy?

Is it the people you have in your life? Material things? Whatever it may be.. At least your happy right? I believe in today's society everyone deserves to be happy. No one should be sad, yet some of us are sad. In my life, it's been sad a couple times yet I realized I had to do something to not be sad. That's when I sat down and realized that it's me who needs to be happy. For a few days now, I've been doing things differently with my life. and I was thinking about that today.. I'm starting to get happy and slowly getting out of my sad stage. I am going to continue this and see where it goes! So maybe in the future, you'll see a post again :D 

Friday, January 25, 2013

My Role Model

I was asked today if I had a role model. I thought about all the people in my life that are very close to me. If I had to pick, it would be my mom. Yeah, I know, everyone says their mom or dad. Honestly, my mom has always been there for me. Helping me with all school supplies, homework, and signatures on papers that needed to be signed. For me, she's my best friend. We fight occasionally, but I know my mom always has my back. I love my mom because of the things she teaches me everyday, it may seem like she doesn't but she does. She is the most amazing mother anyone could ever ask for. Tomorrow is her birthday, and hopefully she will see this. If your reading this mom, I love you so much and I never want you to forget that. Even in what would be the darkest moments we've had and the future moments whenever they may be. Never ever forget that I love you.! Who's your role model? If it's someone you know, give them a hug and let them know that you look up to them. It makes them feel better about themselves and give them confidence:) This what the Song Bird sung today

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Do songs play with our emotions?

One Direction, Carrie Underwood, Pitbull, Christina Perri. These are a couple of artists that make songs that we listen to more enjoyable. You have your favorite artists right? Name one on the top of your head and listen to what I'm writing. Our emotions are so easily recognizable. You can be sad, depressed, happy, mad, etc. What do you do during each emotion? For me, I listen to music. Just to list off a couple: When I'm sad.. I'll listen to songs like Plumb: Cut, Thousand Years: Christina Perri and my all time favorite Coldplay: Paradise. When I'm happy: I'll listen to Scream and Shout: and Britney Spears, Don't You Worry Child: Swedish House Mafia, and Back In Time: Pitbull. When I'm upset, I'll listen to Dubstep mostly. So right now, take a couple minutes and think about the music you listen to.. Some of your favorite songs, how do they make you feel before and after you listen to them? Music is all around us, every song we listen to can be great and remind us of someone or something.. Or it can also be depressing and make us sad. Whatever your genre of music is, that's a little part that defines who you are.

Without music, life would be a mistake. 
Friedrich Nietzsche 

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Busy Schedules.. Good or Bad?

It seems to me like everyday, it just get's harder and harder to accomplish everything you may have on your "list of things to do." I wish there was more hours in a day, it would make every one feel better. It could be a couple of hours of sleep, more work, whatever you want it to be. Something that helps me make my day's successful is to sit down, and make a list of all the things I would need to do before bed that day. It's an easy way to make sure you are on the road to successful. Yes, there are days where I don't complete all my tasks. So i push that to the next day.. Just a helpful hint from the Song Bird today <3

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Not being Good With Change...

The six letter word you may or may not like. "Change". Yet, we go through it everyday. Based on personal opinion it can be a good thing, or the thing you may dread the most. Whatever it may mean to you, may not be the same for the person right next to you. I've had a problem with change for quite some time. It started for me when we moved from North Carolina to Iowa. We've moved plenty of times before, but it really messed me up mentally. Although, plenty of times before North Carolina we moved and I was perfectly OK with it. I believe it had to do with the age that I was when we would move.
Moving from North Carolina though really made me change. It was there that I met my best friend, was in a group that accepted me for who I was, and it's truly where I felt at home. The day I found out we were moving, my heart metaphorically stopped. Thinking about it at the time, made me sad. The thought of losing my friends, the house I was growing accustom to was suddenly about to be a distant memory. Packing all my things was hard. Saying goodbye to my friends, was heartbreaking. I thought that since I would be moving, they would move on and forget about me. But in the end, I still talk to some of them, it's really good that I know they are there for me as I am for them.The moment that I will almost never forget meant everything to me. Saying goodbye to my dog, Scooby Doo. She is the cutest little dog I've ever been able to know. I remember the night before we took her to a no kill shelter, I held her in my arms and told my mom to take pictures of me with her.
I will admit, I never wanted to leave. But now I realize that if I didn't leave, I wouldn't be able to learn new life skills, meet new people, and overall grow into the person I want to be. Moving to Iowa, I was honestly nervous. Meeting new people wasn't really my strong suit. But right off the bat, everyone was really nice, and curious as to who the "new girl" was. I won't talk about  how miserable it was to live in Iowa, because it wasn't. Yes there were a few things I will never forget that did traumatize me, that I've learn to push into the past and try my best to forget. Yet, I'm thinking about it right now.. And it does make my heart ache at the thought. It was in Iowa, where I began to overeat, or nervous eat whenever I had bad thoughts in my mind. Completely clueless as to what the outcome would be, now I'm trying to work it off. Moving to Colorado is another story. Yes, it's another chapter of my life that I can have happy memories and the not so fond bad one's but that's life, and that's my little story.
Admitting that I'm scared of change is something I've tried to hide for a long time. Yet, here we are.. Change is about to happen for me, it's massive for me at least, going out into the big bad world. Not living with my parents, getting all the "luxuries" from living with my mom and dad. I know it is going to be probably one of the many things I will do in life that will be hard. But I know that this is what I need to do, live my life like I should, like I've always dreamed.

And This Is What The Song Bird Sung Today

Monday, January 21, 2013

Do you really know yourself?

      What I mean by that is, we're so busy trying to be everyone's favorite person. Maybe we should let that go from time to time. You aren't perfect, neither am I, we're human. Everyday we learn something new about ourselves, it could be great or it could be bad. Whatever the case may be, we take that in our lives and try to channel that in something everyday. In my case, I learned a couple things about myself, I'm a people pleaser. I really like to see other's happy because if I see that they are happy, then I should be happy because I'm the one that put them in that state of mind. When in all reality, I've learned that i'm miserable inside. I'm not happy with myself. Maybe some of us have this feeling right now, or have had that feeling. It is something that I need to change myself and with the support of my family and friends, I can.  I don't want to be miserable anymore, it's the worst feeling in the world. I could never say that to myself til now. Last Night, sitting in front of a mirror, and not even wanting to look at myself, really showed me something. How am I happy with who I've become, if I can't even look at myself in the mirror?
     I know who I want to be, I've imagined it all day of who I would like to be like, and look like. Myself! There are so many things I want to change about myself, hoping that after all the hard work, I'll actually be happy with myself. Yes, the process will be long, and hard at times, i'll want to give up, but in the end, seeing myself a different way, might give me the strength to become more than what I am right now. So maybe, changing the aspects you see in yourself, might help you become a better person than what you are right now. So take it one step at a time, and keep telling yourself that this is all worth it. Because to be honest it really is. Your happiness is all that matters. It'll be with you for the rest of your life, so cherish it and take care of it. I'll leave that to you.

"Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions." 
Dalai Lama 

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Are you truly happy?

I learned something today about myself that I had never thought before. Am I truly happy with who I am right now? Ask yourself that question and truly think about it. Every aspect of your life is something to think about. For me, when I was asked this question, I couldn't see myself happy with who I've become. The many tears I've shed tonight, really has made me want to reanalyze my life and try and figure out where I am right now. being able to talk about what I feel right now has really helped me. It's made me realize, ,that for a long time, I've lived my life and all I've ever wanted to do is make other's happy. Maybe it's because I realized that if they were happy, then I should be happy because I made them happy. In the end though, I'm just the one miserable, being treated like a doormat that anyone could come and step on me and then come back for seconds. It's been a roller coaster for me, and it's been like that because i let it be like that.  Something that hurt, was when my dad told me to look in the mirror at myself, I really looked at myself, and all I could do was cry. It's when he told me, that I am my own enemy. I noticed all the stuff that I've done in my life, the good decisions, and the bad decisions that I regret ever doing that made me realize this is not who I was supposed to become.
I need to change, and to be honest I hate the word change. I always have. Moving from place to place really isn't easy as a kid. But obsessing over something I won't be able to change like moving or doing something unknown isn't the best ting for me right now. Change is all around us, everyday something new happens. How we perceive that or take that experience with us is the true learning factor. So today I learned that this isn't the real me, hiding behind a mask every time i'm with family, or friends isn't who I really am. I need to change, and it will take time and lots of dedication. But honestly, I don't want to be miserable anymore, so I need this. Tomorrow is a new day, so I'm going to live it to the fullest because who know's how long I am going to live. No one does, so i'm not going to live it in fear, and then regret every wasted minute I had doing nothing that makes me happy. So I guess what i'm trying to say is..

Live Your Life To The Fullest, And Be Happy With Who You Are! <3 

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Thinking about...

Everyday we think, I know for me I do a lot. It's a good thing, but can also be a curse for me. I think about how my day is going to be, the things I need to accomplish, what my blog post is going to be that night, the one person I wish I could talk to for days on end and never stop, etc.  My brain goes into over drive and it won't stop. I find myself thinking about a multitude of things that can be good, or bad. Whatever the case may be, there are sometimes I wish I could turn that thinking button off and just relax for a day. I know maybe everyone has wanted that for just one whole day. All this thinking we do, is it really necessary? Well, yes some of it may be to you. Yet, some of it could be just a pre cursor to becoming depressed. A long time ago, I was depressed, simply because I felt like I was alone, not popular, all the typical things a teen/ young adult may worry about when in high school. I found myself thinking about how I was going to be like this forever, non popular, ugly, etc. I will admit, it was probably one of a few things that I couldn't bear with. Yet, I pushed through and look at me now. Yes, there are still days where I just want to be depressed, listen to sad songs, and pout my eyes out. We all have those days, it's perfectly normal. My advice to you, don't let it take over your life. Talk to close friends, family, write a journal. It may seem like it's a difficult thing at first, but with practice it will be fixed and you can live a free, happy, positive thinking way of life. It's all up to you. I guess what i'm trying to say is.. Make a category for each thought you may be thinking, and find out which ones are more important. <3 I'll leave that to you.

Friday, January 18, 2013

New Experiences

     Last Night, I posted about growing pains and during that 30 minutes all I could think about is what my plans are. I've thought about ever since I started high school. I've procrastinate, put it off a year and tell myself that I would think about it later.  Now that i'm a senior in my last semester of my high school career. Where'd the time go?
     At first, I couldn't believe it. Me, a senior? It feels like just yesterday I was the tiny, insecure freshman. Now, i'm the senior who is scared for the world to come smack me in the face. I should have planned it out way before the last semester of my senior year. 
    I have plenty of dreams I want to do in my life. It's more like a teenage bucket list. That sounds weird right? Teenage bucket list.. It's like when you grow up and have to become an adult. It's said that you lose your teenage spirit, that's kind of true. 
    Becoming an adult, is a new experience. At least, in my few months of becoming eighteen. I've learned a few things, yes they may have been hard, but I've overcome them and know that I need to succeed to have a better life. 
   My first step to success - Plan your life out. Sit down for a couple minutes and really think about how you want to live your life. Plan out your goals, ambitions, etc. 
   My step two is make them realistic, make sure they are goals you can actually accomplish. For example ~ one of my goals is to graduate high school, which obviously I will accomplish this semester. 
  I really want my life to be successful and fun. I know my life will have it's ups and downs, i'd rather have more ups than downs. To make that my goal in life, I need to plan my life for what I want. 

Below, I've listed my plan: 

           1. Graduate High School
                 2. Move out of my parent's house
                      3.  Go to college ( yet of which is decided)
                              - Major in Journalism
                              - Minor in Broadcast Journalism
                             4. Try to create my own business
                                   4. Find my soulmate, live a long happy life ( Kinda like fairy tales) 

These are just a few of many dreams I have. How I plan my life right now, will determine the outcome of my success story. 

            So Dream Big And It Will Come True 

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Growing Pains...

        It's a weird feeling, at least it is for me when I sit down and think about what I want my life to be like. Making those necessary plans can be hard. In general, growing up is hard. From my personal experience, becoming 18 is probably a moment of realization that things are going to change. Yes, there are plenty of great things that can come along with being 18. Such as, voting, no curfews, hanging out with friends, having your own car, getting your driver's license, having a job. There is also a downfall, well more a wake up call that things are not what they seem. Some of us may not have all the things listed above, but I know that if you work hard towards your goals, you can achieve anything.  
        Pretty soon, your going to move out of your parents house. Move into a cheap apartment buy the essentials and nothing else. It'll be hard for some of us. For me, I know it will. I've been around my parents my whole life. Yes we've had our ups and downs, and even our hardest times. In the end, I will always love them. Even if right now it feels like it's the hardest thing in the world to be around your parents, just think that eventually your going to get older, and so will they. And like my mom always says, " I won't always be around to help you" - Hearing that makes me cry. I don't want to lose my parents, but I know later on in life, and I mean way later on in life I will. So cherish every single moment you have with them. 
      It may seem like they aren't in your "corner", or they are trying to push you out of the house faster. in your eyes, it may seem that way. In reality, they are trying to help you become successful in your future and push you for your goals and aspirations. They only want what is best for you! So listen to them, and understand what they mean. 
    Back on topic, like I said growing up is hard. The added responsibility of making sure you do everything you need to can be hard. Being more mature, and even coming out of your shell is some key factors in the painful growing up stage. Every teen has to go through it. Don't dwell in that pain, push it to the side, and show the " Big Bad World" what you can do. 
    I guess what i'm trying to get across tonight, is this is just a stage in everyone's life that they will or have been through. Moving on past that and becoming successful is important. I'll leave that to you <3 

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Learn something everyday!

Today's quote : "Try to learn something about everything an everything about something."

Everyday, we learn something. For teens, it could be in school. For Adults, it could be something about work or their children. Either way, everyday we learn one new thing that we didn't realize. Our brain grows everyday with new ideas and concepts. The thing is, how we take those ideas and innovations to heart is the true key to making our lives better. So learn something new everyday and take it to heart. Even the smallest things in life can make our intelligence greater and greater! I'll leave that to you.  <3

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Daily Quote of the Day

Today's Daily Quote is From Henry James " Do not mind anything that anyone tells you about anyone else Judge everyone and everything for yourself."

Something that I think everyone could use in their life, everyday it seems like we are judged by a lot of aspects of our life. Don't let what someone says about you bring you down. You are who you will be. don't worry about the judge mentality of others.

Monday, January 14, 2013

When we all we really need is more sleep

Probably one of the things everyone likes the most in our days, would have to be sleep. I know for me after a long day, I just want to sleep. Days could be hectic, or more laid back. Monday would probably be the hardest day for me, simply because its the one day we have to come back to work, or school from the weekend. Sleep is crucial for everyone! Going to bed at a reasonable time, could be helpful for your health, or the way you act that day. Whatever it is, Sleep is very important! I mean, that's when you dream the most. We all know about scary nightmares, or the dreams we wish would never have to wake up for because they were so amazing! Case in point, sleep is like our private getaway, where we don't have to interact with anyone, just dream what we want and get our "beauty sleep." So there you have it. Sweet Dreams <3

Sunday, January 13, 2013

" True Love "

Another Rough Draft of A Poem I'm writing :

                        True Love

                                            All my life I've always dreamt of...
                                            Having butterflies in my stomach
                                            My heart melting with every comment
                                            Being held in his arms
                                            Going on my first date
                                            Knowing I'm loved
                                            My birthday, his birthday
                                            Valentines Day
                                            Spending my time with him
                                            Meeting the family, enjoying my time
                                            Getting married, and having kids
                                            Living my entire life in love with you
                                            All of my life I've dreamt of what True Love would be like
                                            And that's when I met you

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Why I Created This Blog??

Well, It's a new year. For me, writing this blog it's kind of like my journal. I take one thing that I've learned or care about most from my day and express what I truly feel on the subject. It's more of a motivational blog for me, or anyone else that might be reading this right now. Also, it helps me with everything on my mind. For me, it's special, I take maybe a couple minutes out of my day and sit down and write all my thoughts and feelings. Even in my busy schedule, this is the one thing a day that I look forwards to, besides sleep:) My goal throughout this year, is to maybe make someones day with one of my posts. So if you have something you might want me to write about, if I haven't already. Comment below and I'll get right on it <3

Friday, January 11, 2013

Our Desires

                                               Our Desires

What's the one thing you desire most in your life right now? Could it be love, money, popularity, acceptance of who you will become? Take a couple minutes and think about what your answer is. Whatever it is, it could be the most important thing you want/need right now. I'll explain of one my desires, My desire right now would be having a better outlook on myself. I want to feel like I have the upmost confidence in myself instead of the shy, nervous, personality that I have right now. There are plenty of ways you can get to your desire or as I call them, mini goals. Take it one day at a time, do something that will help you get out of the shell and into your goal area. If you have many desires, such as finding your true love, or doing something you haven't ever done before. Let me just say, you can do it. No one can ever hold you back or tell you that you can't do it because of something you can't control. Keep your head up, positive thoughts, and always dream of your desire and get closer and closer to it. I'll leave that up to you. <3

"Bring your desires down to your present means. Increase them only when your increased means permit".  - Aristotle

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Who's Your Hero?

                                    Who's Your Hero?

A word that is often used a lot would be Hero. You see it in movies, and in society nowadays. What does it really mean to you though? Hero could be someone you know, or someone you admire. Whoever your hero is, what made them become that status in your life? Whatever the case, Your hero is someone that has done something that you want to become, or even do. An example could be Batman, Yes we can't dress up in a costume and try and save the world, But what Batman has... something that everyone has is courage,  and moral character. Everyone has qualities that someone in your life might admire. Making you a hero... So let me ask you this.. Are you making the right choices, or the wrong ones? And whichever one you answered yes or no to. How are you effecting the person who has made you their hero? Just something to think about.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

"Only You"

 This is a rough draft of a poem I am currently writing.. Thought I'd bring more creativity to this blog. So I hope you enjoy it :)          


                                                        Only You
                                                                   It's only you to me
                                                           Your smile, laugh, weird faces
                                                                   It's only you to me
                                                     Laughter, blushing and constant smiles
                                                                   It's only you with me
                                                                Happiness and butterflies
                                                                      That's only You
                                                                Making me feel wanted
                                                                          Only You
                                                                   Being my best friend
                                                                     It can only be you
                                                                        Being in love
                                                                     With you only me
                                                                   Dream away with you
                                                                       Wish of my life
                                                                        Only with you
                                                               I know your the one for me
                                               Dream of that day, when I can finally call you mine
                                                                         My Paradise <3

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Who can provide you the most happiness?

The answer would be you. Only you can make yourself happy, yes you may have a bunch of friends that love you and want to see the best for you. That's a good factor to have in your life. You are the sole person who can make what you want your life to be, either good or bad. It's solely up to you how much happiness is in your life. You can do this by following these 7 Steps to Happiness.. I'll leave that to you! <3


Each morning when I open my eyes I say to myself: I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today. I can choose which it shall be. Yesterday is dead, tomorrow hasn't arrived yet. I have just one day, today, and I'm going to be happy in it.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Overcoming your obstacles

Everyday, someone could have obstacles that they may need to accomplish. Maybe it's saying something nice to a person you care about, or maybe even the small things in life. It's not like i'm saying my life hasn't had it's obstacles. It has, everyday it seems like we have them. They can bring us down, or bring us up. It all depends on how you tackle that obstacle and go on with your life. Think of an obstacle you might have had today, did you accomplish it? Or did it conquer you and bring you down further? No matter what the obstacle may be, the one thing you need to tell yourself is that it will get better in the long run. Maybe this obstacle needs more time, or needs better attention to. Just remember that if you let the obstacle conquer you, then your letting it prove that maybe you aren't that "strong" enough to overcome it yet. All good things take time, so my advice to you, overcome that obstacle and show everyone who you really are. :) I'll leave that to you.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Value Your Friends!!

As the title of this post says Value Your Friends, today's post will be about the friends in your life. We all have plenty of friends that maybe we don't talk to as much. An example could be like Facebook, let's say you have maybe.. 367 friends. How many of them do you really talk to? Maybe 15 of them? Ann Landers had this to say about valuing your friendship -  “Love is friendship that has caught fire. It is quiet understanding, mutual confidence, sharing and forgiving. It is loyalty through good and bad times. It settles for less than perfection and makes allowances for human weaknesses.” Everyday that we have with our closest friends, is one more day that we get to know more about them. My friends are the best that I could ask for. I'm very glad I met them, I mean they really help me with most of my issues. For some of them, I don't know who I would be today without most of my friend's influence in my life.  Be there for your friends, you never know how long they will be your friend.  So my goal for you today.. Take the time and make sure that your friends are doing ok. :) Make their day, say something that will help them that day. I'll leave that for you to decide <3


Saturday, January 5, 2013

B&R Studios

Ever on Youtube? Just scrolling along through the videos. Most of you may not know.. But there is a Video Channel called B&R Studios, based in Italy. It's two men who do hilarious videos such as Chatroulettes, The Oppa Gangnam Style Dance  and even the famous Facebook in Real Life. Watching some of their videos are amazing! The Creators Charles Carrara and Giusepppe Biondi are also the main people on this channel. They are both funny and creative when it comes to making these videos :) So what I would suggest you do.. Is go on Youtube, type in B&R Studios and look for a logo like this. If you like what you see leave a comment, go on facebook and like them on Facebook, even on Twitter. Help these guys reach their goal of 1,000  subscribers.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Paying It Forward

I don't know if any of you have seen a movie called Pay It Forward, I was sitting in my Economics ( Econ) Class a couple weeks ago and my teacher looked at us and asked us to write a paragraph on something that we thought we could do to make this world a better place. At first, I couldn't think of one thing I could do to make this world a better place. Then I watched the movie and it was inspiring to me. Basically if you haven't seen it I'll give you a little sneak peek and maybe you'll want to watch it. This little boy is asked if he could do something to make this world a better place what would he do? He had to think about it for a while, but finally he came up with something. He decides that he is going to help 3 people to make their lifes better. Once he does that for them, they have to do that for 3 other people, it's supposed to be like a chain reaction. In the end, he helps millions of people all over the world, and it becomes worldwide and people do what he suggest. After watching that movie, I took a couple minutes and thought about what was relayed in that movie. The hidden message if you will. So I suggest you watch that movie, see for yourself what I saw and maybe even something you think is very important. My challenge to you is do think of 3 people in your life that are maybe struggling, or need help right now.. Try and do something that will help them make their lifes a little easier.. And then pass it on that they would need to do that for 3 people they know. let's really see how far this will get. I'll leave that to you.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Does anyone believe in "True Love" still?

It seems like relationships now-a-days come and go quickly. It's apparently the most important thing in everyone's life... Well some people see it as being the #1 thing. What is the thing you like most from a relationship? The thought that your wanted by someone, the love of being held and cuddled with, the first kiss, the possibility of being with that person for the rest of your life? For people that are in a relationship, they are most likely happy, content with themselves. You dream of a life together with that person. Which isn't a bad thing. I think that we take love seriously, we want it, have to have that feeling that we are wanted by someone.  Being in love, is a wonderful feeling, yet it can also hurt. There are plenty of mottos we use these days for being hurt in a relationship, like being heartbroken, and telling yourself #SingleForever. Does it really have to be like that? In my mind, I think everyone has a soul mate out there. It could be anywhere, you just don't know. Classic movies have made love look so easy. Take most romantic chick flicks such as The Vow, The Lucky One, and even the animated film Up. Almost everyone has seen any of these and like most you might think that is how love should be. I believe in TRUE LOVE, it's probably not spoken a lot anymore.  It's the kind of feeling that you get when you find that right girl/guy, you start talking, getting to know each other, dreaming about your great moments together, etc. Getting the goosebumps whenever you see him/her, heart jumps, ,blushing. That's what I think true love is. The feeling that the person you are with is the true one that should have the key to your heart. For everyone that is single like me, don't worry. There's a saying that the one who is right for you will come soon. :) All you can do is have hope. Believe in yourself, and great things will happen.  Like Julia Roberts says "True love doesn't come to you it has to be inside you." I'll leave that quote to you.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Living your life to the fullest

Now I know when you read this you might think , how does she know what life is like??.. Well even though I don't have that much expierence. I have learned a couple things from my family and my friends. Like never let anything get you down, and even true love can wait. In my life, I've expierenced change,heartbreak, emotional changes. I know we all have. Thing is.. How did we take that moment and incorporate it in our lives? If it was a sad moment, maybe we got into depression, we analyzed that for the longest time. I know that's what I did. Listening to sad songs, always having a sad face. During that time, we wasted precious moments and memories that we could have made. Don't bring yourself down, it's life. Moments of happiness, those are the moments that mean the world to us. Mine could be having my family and friends around me, etc. Smile, you have the will power to make your life better if it isn't right now. As a wise person once told me, " You can't worry about every little thing, if you do that's all you'll do with your life." I am going to live by those words everyday. I've got to make my life the way I want before someone else will mold me into what they think I will be. What will you do with your life? 

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

A New Year

It's a new year.. The year 2013. A new chance for people to accomplish a few goals. :) One of mine was to create a blog. What's better then getting all your goals, ambitions, etc out. This is the start of something great! <3