
Thursday, April 3, 2014

My Love of Hair Rubs

     I absolutely love having my hair rubbed. I have since I was a little girl. My mom would tell me about how she would get me to go to sleep, a car ride or when I would ask her to rub my hair to get me to go to sleep. I have always loved every time I would get my hair rubbed. It brings me to peace and let's my mind relax.

     I always believed that when my mom would do that for me that our relationship was closer and closer. I would beg my mom for a hair rub when I got older and it didn't happen as much. I kind of wish it did happen more.

     I was thinking about this when I was at work. I didn't really have the best of days. Worrying about a bunch of things. When I got on my lunch I was surprised by Zach and he came and held me while I cried.

     He began to rub my hair and I couldn't help but start to feel better. It's like a relaxation moment for me. I can't help but feel better, and after I went back to work I began to have a somewhat more positive outlook.

     I will always ask for a hair rub. It's just who I am.


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