
Sunday, September 29, 2013


Here I am
Listening to your cries
The crown you wear is thorns digging deeper into you
I gave you my love and compassion 
In your time of need 
I endeaured listening to every negative aspect you tell me you are

Hear me now 
Right here standing in front of me is a person who is intelligent, graceful, a rose beyond compare, a light through the darkest of nights 

You are stronger than you think 
You are capable to do anything your heart desires 

You are a friend
Your my sister 

Sabrina black 

Monday, September 16, 2013


Sleep is like a trance caused by a coin waving back and forth 
or maybe....
Maybe its a portal to a new world
An escape...
An escape from pain, abuse, or even lies
A confort we never felt 
A treasured beloning we hold close 
to our hearts like a doll
A safe and sound realm 
That we create on our own

Or is it a fear; if we sleep
our troubles will be there to call us tomorrow
Hoping that we may never wake
Wanting the sweet lullaby to never end

Sleep is the light when darkness calls
Sleep is the comfort from the performance the dark shadows put on every night
Sleep is freedom
Sleep is peace 
Sleep is a dream