
Saturday, March 29, 2014


     When Zach and I decided to move in together, we had no idea where to go. It's kind of a fun experience choosing your first place together with the person you could see yourself with for the rest of your life. Anyways, I had a couple places in mind but the biggest issue was the money. Fresh out of high school with jobs that pay minimum wage isn't really a great combination but it works. Saving money seems to be the biggest issue for us right now. When we chose a place, the exact same area I used to live with my parents at it was nothing but exciting. A different set up than what it was at my parents but still a reminder of my family at certain times.

     We chose this place one because of the price, I mean $540 did seem like a good reasonable place for a 2 bedroom and 1 1/2 bath. Being new to the outside world (renting, etc.) We were indecisive about a lot of things. All we knew was that we graduated, in love, and wanting a place to call our own. The biggest thing we had a problem with was support. We had support from our parents, but not exactly what we were expecting. I realize now that they were as surprised as we were. Everyone has difference of opinion  on our options. We chose to do what we wanted. We're teenagers, what do you expect?

     Moving in was somewhat easy, I mean we didn't really have a whole lot. A couch my mom and dad gave us, a bed, T.V, etc. We bought the essentials and stuck with what we got. Along the way we have accumulated a new couch due to the other one caving in, a small TV, microwave, somewhat new vacuum to us, and others.

     It's been 8 months since we moved in together. We've experienced money struggles, and the occasional argument every now and then. But right now, I feel lucky to have a townhouse and to be in love with a man who loves me for me and takes my bad days and my good days. Overall, I'm just thankful that my life is getting better and better each day with my family and friends by my side.

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