
Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Our Futures..

     A couple days ago I was talking to Zach about our futures. We have tried in the past but haven't really taken it as serious as it sounds. To some it might not sound as important, but to me I think it's very important since we are both young and live on our own. When we first moved in together I thought it was the most amazing thing in the world. I never realized that we would be moving in so quick, but life is kind of funny that way. Since we started dating, I've always imagined what our life would be like. My own little fantasy land if you want to call it that.

     We would move in and live together, our relationship would grow and we would become engaged. We'd both have jobs and we would save money. Our careers would come to play after we went to some schooling and got our diplomas. We'd spend more time together and really learn about each other more.We'd plan our wedding maybe a year to two years after becoming engaged, etc. To bad something in life aren't always the way you thought it would be.

     While yes some of the things I've mentioned have came true. They also came quicker than I thought. Isn't it funny about life yet again? I love Zach, don't get me wrong. We've been through a lot together. Our families both have their doubts, some more than others, but yet we are still here. When we first started dating and all the drama was going on I honestly thought to myself.. " This isn't going to last.."

     We've overcome a lot. Fights, disagreements, families need to input on everything we have done or did wrong in their eyes, etc. We are still strong. We are overcoming obstacles everyday.

     Our futures are looking up for us right now. We are looking into our careers, what we want to do with our lives. We are looking at the schooling it will take for us to achieve our goals. We are planning an engagement party even though the odds are against us, we are doing it for us. This is about our futures. Not what futures our family thinks we need, but what is best for us. Our own decisions are being made. Yes we aren't going to impress family or make them change their opinions but it isn't about them, it's about us.

- The Songbird-

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